There are some certain things that most of the news site will hide from you just because they are afraid but we must say it as it is. President Goodluck Jonathan’s regime the least corrupt government in Nigeria since 1999.-------Transparency International
Olusegun Obasanjo’s regime was the most corrupt government not only in Nigeria but in the entire world in year 2000.---------Transparency International
Transparency International has adjudged President Goodluck Jonathan’s regime the least corrupt government in Nigeria since 1999. On the other hand, according to TI corruption index report, Olusegun Obasanjo’s regime was the most corrupt government not only in Nigeria but in the entire world in year 2000. However, The country’s ranking increased marginally by 2003 even though it still ranked the second most corrupt worldwide.
In the 2014, Transparency In­ternational’s Corruption Perception Index ranked Nigeria 136 out of 175 countries. Even though this is not a ranking worthy of celebration, it is the first time in the past decade in which Nigeria was not listed among the top 10 most corrupt countries in the world.